Recumbent Bike C846i Replacement Battery

by Precor



Amp Hours:


Data represents our research to identify the original specifications of the battery for a Recumbent Bike C846i. Report an inaccuracy.

If your Precor Recumbent Bike C846i currently has another brand battery, you can replace it with another brand as long as you check three things:

  • Voltage matches
  • Dimensions will fit
  • Terminal type is similar

We only sell batteries that are new from the factory. We fully stand behind our batteries with a 30-day return policy and a minimum 1 year warranty.

Questions? Send us a message!

Looking for a new replacement battery for your Recumbent Bike C846i Sport Equipment? We've done the research and determined the right battery, matching the specifications of Precor.

The recommended replacement battery is a 12 volt, 5 amp hour battery. Recommendation

Battery Replacement for Zeus Battery PC5-12F1

Zeus Battery PC5-12F1


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It's always smart to compare the specifications of the replacement battery to ensure a match to the product manufacturer's recommended battery. The replacement battery is just the battery, without any cables or connectors. You may need to reuse your existing cable harness if required by the product.